The known and available anti-counterfeiting technologies are not perfect and are often quite archaic. It is time to reach for the latest solutions that will support your brand on many levels.
Product and brand protection is a must in today's world. Veriori's solutions offer a new quality on the brand protection market, with which you will gain much more than just product protection:
Veriori's award-winning technology is an innovative solution that is both versatile and easy to adopt in brand protection processes in any industry.
A unique identifier for each product makes it possible to trace its history - from its creation to its purchase by the consumer. All you need is a standard reader or a phone application. This offers endless possibilities to support a variety of brand and product-related activities:
The code layer can store information that can be used for effective and data-driven promotional campaigns, consumer competitions, and many other activities.
Easily accessible code scanning facilitates contact with the relevant after-sales department and considerably simplifies the complaint lodging process.
The code can be used to collect statistical data (e.g. on interest in a particular brand or a particular product).
The system makes it possible to control the supply chain. Unique identifiers allow the location of goods to be tracked or sales data to be easily extracted.
A solution based on a commonly used QR code.
Code scannable with almost any smartphone, no special qualifications required.
Crypto QR Code unique for each product.
Encryption preventing code cracking.
Allows you to "bury" and change information or actions in the code without changing the package.
Access to detailed data related to the product scanning history and the possibility of its advanced analysis.
Counterfeiting is no longer exclusive to branded and luxury products and the scale of the problem is growing.
wartości sprzedaży tracą co roku w UE w wyniku podrabiania sektory produktów kosmetycznych, alkoholowych, farmaceutyczny oraz zabawek i gier
That’s how much clothing companies lost from counterfeit products in 2020 alone
That’s the estimated global profit from the sales of counterfeit medicines. This is the most lucrative segment of the entire counterfeiting business