Veriori's solutions for the pharmaceutical industry are an effective protection against the increasingly common problem of counterfeit medicines and medicine-like products. With us, you act responsibly - you care about the authenticity of your products and safety of your customers.
This easy to implement solution will enable you to mark and effectively protect both products and documents against counterfeiting, easily verify their authenticity and provide valuable user data.
Veriori's unique identifier for each product makes it possible to trace its entire history - from its creation to its purchase by the customer. Available with a standard scanner or a phone application, scanning offers a wide range of possibilities to support various brand and product-related activities.
The possibility to interact and reach the Customer reduced to seconds, enables direct and dynamic marketing activities.
Unique after-sales opportunities, such as leaflets dedicated to a specific age group and a significantly improved service process in case of complaints.
Using codes to profile and precisely target a selected group for clinical trials.
Quick and widely available verification of authenticity and market history of a product.
Support for sales, trade marketing and consumer promotions.
Controlling costs, stock levels of medical devices or their expiry dates.
Counterfeiting is no longer exclusive to branded and luxury products and the scale of the problem is growing.
die annually from counterfeit drugs according to the World Health Organization
That’s the total value of counterfeit COVID-19 vaccines seized by US services in 2020 alone
That’s the estimated global profit from the sales of counterfeit medicines. This is the most lucrative segment of the entire counterfeiting business
Explore the possibilities of Veriori's technology and start acting responsibly.
Get a free consultation and talk to Adrian!