Veriori’s Unique Device Identifier Plus (UDI+) is a reliable system for securing medicines and medical devices against counterfeiting.
This solution ensures the sense of security both for patients and for medical manufacturers and distributors.
In addition to full compliance with Data Matrix formal requirements, the UDI+ system enables a number of additional activities to support product sales and supply chain control, such as:
With UDI+, the product is marked with an identifier that is unique for each package. It is a global system compliant with the applicable EU directive and Data Matrix requirements. It has been expanded by additional functionality, which, among other aspects, allows for opening a new channel of direct communication with product recipients.
UDI+ is a product designed for the pharmaceutical and medical industries, including manufacturers of:
Manufacturers as well as clinics, healthcare facilities and retailers can support and expand their daily operations with a simple code scanning mechanism.
The code layer can store information that can be used for effective and data-driven promotional campaigns etc.
Easily accessible code scanning facilitates contact with Customer Service and considerably simplifies the complaint lodging process or providing after-sales support.
The identification of each product allows a faster and more efficient way to reach individual consumers in the event of an adverse reaction.
The code placed on the product enables the initiation of any interaction with the patient or specialist in the mobile channel, e.g. within educational campaigns.
A solution based on a commonly used QR code.
Each code is unique for each product.
Encryption preventing code cracking.
Code scannable with almost any smartphone.
Dynamic redirection allows information or actions to be "buried" and changed in the code without changing the packaging.
Counterfeiting is no longer exclusive to branded and luxury products and the scale of the problem is growing.
die each year from using counterfeit medicines according to the World Health Organisation
That’s the total value of counterfeit vaccines for COVID-19 that US services seized in 2020 alone
That’s the estimated global profit from the sales of counterfeit medicines. This is the most lucrative segment of the entire counterfeiting business
Explore the possibilities of Veriori's technology and start acting responsibly. Get a free consultation and talk to Adrian!